Krysta Arnold

Krysta Arnold, PA-C

Aesthetic Injector; Certified Biote Provider

With 16 years of specialized experience in emergency medicine, Krysta brings a unique blend of medical expertise and a passion for aesthetics to Retuva Medical Spa. Driven by the desire to enhance clients' self-confidence while maintaining a natural look, Krysta is dedicated to the artistry of medical aesthetics. Her commitment to ongoing learning ensures that clients receive the latest, most personalized treatments to reveal their inner beauty.

Hidden Talent: Scuba Diving
Beauty Secret: Regular exercise, weight lifting most importantly
Guilty Pleasure: Nachos and travel :)
Favorite Quote: “It’s Not the Critic Who Counts” by Man in the Arena
Pets: Ausiedoodles named Indy and Lucca

Schedule your consultation with Krysta Arnold: Schedule Appointment