Logan Hovis

Logan Hovis


I'm new to the spa and aesthetics industry, transitioning from a background in retail and customer service that spans since I was sixteen. In a classic little sister move, I've consistently used my sister, Jen Hovis (Lead Aesthetics Coordinator) products, giving me a solid understanding of skincare. I thrive on connecting with people, fostering friendships, and Retuva provides an ideal environment for this.

I am currently pursuing an elementary education degree at MIZZOU, my passion lies in working with children. Exploring their social and emotional development fascinates me. I've been involved with children since my teenage years, even taking on the role of a substitute teacher in the CPS district. (Fun fact: I led my own summer school class last year!)

At Retuva, immersing myself in the diverse range of brands, understanding their ingredients, and tailoring skin care regimes for different individuals has been a rewarding experience. My love for learning has led me to delve deep into product knowledge, making each day at Retuva both educational and fulfilling.

Favorite color: GREEN!! (Any shade, but especially earthy greens) 
Favorite Product: Epionce Intensive Nourishing Cream 
Beauty secret: Moisturize and use spf! A tinted moisturizer can act as your foundation! 
Hidden Talent: I can read an entire book in one sitting! 
Hobbies: Reading and cross-stitching
Guilty Pleasure: romance novels!